International Press Club of Miami
For freedom of the press, ethics and accuracy in reporting.
How to Apply for Membership
Regular Member: Persons whose principal means of support is earned in the gathering, editing, or presentation of news. Includes public affairs for media companies.
Regular members may not be employees of government-supported news organizations.
Regular members may vote and hold office.
Academic Member: Persons who are educators of journalism in institutions of higher learning. Academic members may vote but not hold office.
Associate Member: Persons who are not journalists but are employed in such media-related fields as public relations, public or corporate information, directors of media organizations, etc.
Associate members may not vote nor hold office.
Student Member: Persons engaged in full-time study in a recognized educational institution of higher learning.
Student members may only vote for and hold the office of student representative.
Requires proof of student status.
Individual Member: Persons not in the media industry who support the goals of the association. Individual Members may not vote nor hold office.
Corporate Member: Representatives of corporations that support the goals of the association. Corporate Members may not vote nor hold office.
Foreign Member: Persons that applies for any of the categories before but reside in a foreign country, other state or Puerto Rico. (Dues must be paid in US Dollars). Foreign Members may not vote nor hold office till the reside in Florida and be promoted to a category that allows so.
Note: Membership category subject to review and approval by the membership committee.
Membership Dues
(Between July 6, 2011 and July 6, 2013)
Membership Category:
$75.00 - Regular, Associate & Academic
$25.00 - Student
$110.00 - Individual
$1,100.00 - Corporate
Foreign: Related to the category that applies
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